Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin Leads Effort to Go Purple for National Crime Victims’ Rights Week
MADISON – Residents, organizations, businesses, and landmarks across Wisconsin are going purple next week as part of a statewide recognition of...
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Marsy's Law for Wisconsin Apr 20, 2024
MADISON – Major landmarks across Wisconsin are being lit in purple lights next week as part of a statewide recognition of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW). The annual event, which is overseen by the Office for Victims of Crime within the U.S. Department of Justice, is April 21-27.
The purple light effort in the Badger State is organized by Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin.
The purple lights are meant to showcase support for victims’ rights. NCVRW occurs just a few weeks after the four-year anniversary of the April 7, 2020 ratification vote of Wisconsin’s crime victims’ right constitutional amendment commonly known as Marsy’s Law.
The following landmarks around Wisconsin will join in recognizing NCVRW by participating in the Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin Go Purple campaign:
Green Bay
For the full list of landmarks to be lit purple in Madison, Milwaukee and Green Bay, please contact Melinda Koski at
This year's 2024 NCVRW theme is How would you help? Options, services, and hope for crime survivors. The theme asks all of us – as friends, family members, neighbors, colleagues, community leaders, victim service providers, criminal justice practitioners, and health professionals – how we can support victims of crime.
Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin this month celebrated the fourth anniversary of the ratification vote of the crime victims’ constitutional amendment, Marsy’s Law. In April 2020, more than 1.1 million Wisconsin residents cast votes in favor of the amendment, the law was approved with a vast margin of more than 700,000 votes.
“Four years ago, Wisconsin took a decisive step forward to transform our criminal justice system, making it more responsive and just for victims of crime,” said Nela Kalpic, state director for Marsy’s Law for Wisconsin and a domestic abuse survivor. “Marsy’s Law has not only changed the culture in the courtroom for victims, but it has allowed survivors to be more engaged and involved throughout the process. We are grateful to all those who are showing their support for crime victims’ rights by participating in our purple lighting effort.”
MADISON – Residents, organizations, businesses, and landmarks across Wisconsin are going purple next week as part of a statewide recognition of...
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MILWAUKEE, WI - Marsy's Law for Wisconsin has joined forces with the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s Office and the Wisconsin Department of...